A brazen robber who threatened to stab an 11-year-old girl before stealing her e-scooter in Islington has been jailed.

Adam McGeady, 32, of the Mayville Estate, was sentenced to three years and nine months' jail at Snaresbrook Crown Court on December 9, having previously pleaded guilty to robbery.

At around 6.15pm on September 24, 2020, the young victim was riding an electric scooter in Parkfield Street when she was approached by McGeady on a bike, Scotland Yard said.

He threatened to stab her before taking the scooter and riding off.

Thankfully the girl wasn't injured, however she was shaken, the Met added.

Police officers began urgent enquiries to locate the suspect including gathering CCTV from where the theft happened and the surrounding area.

The suspect was caught on camera and an image of him was shared on a database used by officers across the Met to identify wanted people.

McGeady was later recognised and arrested in January 2022 and charged with robbery.

Det Cons Richard Roberts, from the local policing team in Islington, said: "This would have been a terrifying ordeal for a victim of any age, but it was particularly upsetting for a child. I would like to praise her for the bravery she has shown throughout our investigation.

"McGeady is clearly a dangerous offender and I am pleased that our investigation has resulted in him receiving a custodial sentence.

"I hope this sends a clear message that we will not tolerate such appalling behaviour on the streets of Islington."