The family of a missing man who was last seen two weeks ago has shared a heartfelt plea for his safe return.

Aaron, 47, is believed to be around 118 miles away from home after CCTV footage captured him in an Aldi supermarket in Williamson Road of Finsbury Park on March 17.

Haringey police have said he was also spotted in the Green Lanes area of London.

The keen trainspotter from Sawley in Derbyshire left on holiday on March 11, but his family are worried after he did not return home.

He was reported missing on March 20 and there are concerns for his safety following his sudden disappearance.

In a statement, his family have said: “Aaron, this is a message from your dad, Cheryl, Kurt, Carina and Megan.

“We are all so worried about you. We have been to Toton every day looking for you.

“We know you have run out of money, and maybe lost your train ticket and are stuck in London so we have put some money in your bank to get some food.

“Aaron if you are listening please can you go to a police station or a train station and let them know who you are?”

Islington Gazette: The family say they are worried for missing man AaronThe family say they are worried for missing man Aaron (Image: Derbyshire Constabulary)

The statement continued: “The police are waiting to help you return home safely to us. Everyone is looking for you - all your friends and family are doing everything we can to find you.

“We want you to know that we have sorted your money out for you for when you get home and all is going to be ok.

“Aaron - there’s no need to be scared we will help you, please go to the police station.

“Please come home Aaron, we all love you so much.”

Aaron is described as being 6ft tall, of a medium build with short brown hair. He was last seen wearing jeans and a black fleece with Energy Natural Power embroidered on it.

In a previous appeal by Derbyshire Constabulary, it was said Aaron is known to enjoy travelling by train and added he may be visiting trainspotting areas in Finsbury Park.

Anyone who has seen Aaron or has information on his whereabouts are asked to visit or call police on 101 quoting reference 206-200323.