The Labour party has opened the selection process for candidates in former leader Jeremy Corbyn’s parliamentary seat.

Corbyn, who has served as Islington North’s MP for more than 40 years, was suspended from the party in 2020 over his response to a report into antisemitism in the party.

Last year, Labour’s National Executive Committee approved a motion by leader Sir Keir Starmer to prevent the party from endorsing Corbyn as its candidate at the next general election.

This means that the veteran MP would have to stand as an Independent candidate in the vote, which is expected to take place before the end of the year.

It is not clear whether Corbyn intends to run, but after his Constituency Labour Party (CLP) passed a motion expressing support for him, the MP vowed to continue.

He said: “I am proud to represent Islington North in Parliament.

“I have spent the past 40 years campaigning alongside my community for a mass redistribution of wealth, ownership and power. That is what I’ll continue to do.”

Applications to stand as the Labour candidate in Islington North opened on Wednesday (May 15) and are expected to close on Monday (May 20).

Journalist Paul Mason and transport campaigner Christian Wolmar are the two candidates who have so far declared they will stand.

Mr Mason said: “I worked hard for Jeremy Corbyn while he was leader, and I hope to build on the decades of tireless work he’s done for local people.

“I backed Keir Starmer, and took part in his leadership campaign in 2020, because I knew he could put us where we are today – on the brink of a Labour government that will give Britain its future back.

“But it’s vital that we win here. Islington North needs an MP who can help set Labour’s agenda in government.”

Mr Wolmar said Islington North needs a “local and media savvy Labour candidate”, which is why he was putting himself forward for selection.

It has also been rumoured that Barnsbury councillor Praful Nargund will put himself forward as a potential candidate. He was not immediately available for comment.

After the NEC opened the parliamentary selection process for Islington North, the CLP said that “local party members should select their candidates for every election”.

A statement said: “We ask that local democracy be respected and that we are able to choose our prospective parliamentary candidate from among any Labour Party member in good standing”.

Shortlisted candidates will be confirmed next Wednesday (May 22), with the ballot closing on June 1.