Young animators won a national prize with a heartwarming short film showing their love for their mums.

The Animation Club at The Gower School excelled in the national ISA Film and Animation Competition with their film, Why Are Mothers So Great?.

The team of five children from Years 4, 5 and 6 produced a hand-made stop motion animation, expressing their deep love and appreciation for their mothers.

This was a testament to the pupils' ability to write, produce and create a film entirely from scratch.

The competition encourages school pupils to produce moving image work across any genre, using both creative and technical skills.

Akira Rock, the club’s mentor, said: "I was delighted to learn of their win.

"The children worked hard in every stage of the [film’s] creation, and the result is really genuine.

"Their goal was to make any mothers who view the film misty-eyed, and I think they succeeded."