A woman has been banned from owning pets for life after it was found she left her dog to starve.

Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court was told how Prescilla Bameko, of Finsbury Park, had mistreated her bulldog Haze, forcing it to scavenge for food.

A vet said that she removed a corn cob from the dog’s stomach, and another from his small intestine, as well as a plastic fork and food packaging.

She added that the dog’s stomach looked like “the contents of a bin”, concluding that Haze had been left to starve by his 38-year-old owner.

Food packaging was found in Haze's stomachFood packaging was found in Haze's stomach (Image: RSPCA)

The RSPCA launched an investigation into Bameko, who lives at Woodberry Downs Estate, after her emaciated bulldog was taken to an animal hospital at the end of January.

The court was told that Haze was weak and suffering with pressure sores when he was admitted.

A vet scored him at one out of nine on a body condition rating – the lowest possible score.

The foreign objects in Haze’s body causing intestinal obstruction were then discovered after an x-ray and exploratory surgery.

The vet who cared for the dog said that he would likely have suffered starvation for several weeks.

She added: “The dog’s condition on presentation showed severe neglect.

“Even if chronic obstruction was the underlying cause, veterinary intervention should have been sought at a much earlier stage.”

It is believed that the neglect took place between January 9 and February 1 earlier this year.

The RSPCA said that due to Haze’s breed, he “sadly” had to be put down in line with UK Government legislation.

Bameko ultimately pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to Haze by failing to investigate and address the cause of his weight loss.

She was sentenced at Highbury Magistrates’ Court on August 14.

The 38-year-old received a life ban from owning animals, as well as being placed under a year-long community order.

This requires Bameko to attend 15 rehabilitation days and to complete 150 hours of unpaid work.

She was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £114.