A woman has been arrested on suspicion of making antisemitic comments in a church and assaulting two police officers.

Police were called to The Angel Church in Chadwell Street at 10am yesterday morning (September 1).

They had received reports that a woman was inside the church making antisemitic comments and “causing alarm” to a number of worshippers.

A woman was arrested on suspicion of a religiously-aggravated public order offence and assaulting emergency workers.

It is alleged that she kicked and punched one of the officers, and pushed a second.

She was subsequently released on bail pending further police enquiries.

Following the incident, pastor Regan King said: “As a church, we welcomed people of all backgrounds without partiality into our doors.

“While [yesterday] morning's incident created significant concern and distress, we did what never fails - we prayed.

“We remain undeterred and unintimidated from fulfilling our calling to be Christ's light and show His love in our community.

“We extend our gratitude to the members of Islington's Metropolitan Police who attended and dealt with the situation in a timely way.”