A Metropolitan Police officer was more than double the alcohol limit whilst he was reportedly driving erratically on the M25. 

PC Gurbaksh Pattwal, 29, from Hornchurch, was first arrested on suspicion of driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol on February 25. 

A Met Police misconduct report said he was pulled over whilst driving in Romford and after two breath tests it was proved he was above the legal limit. 

However, it states: “Due to Metropolitan Police Service and Crown Prosecution Service policies on this occasion he was not charged with a criminal offence however it is alleged that he was nonetheless driving a motor vehicle with an alcohol level above the legal limit.” 

PC Pattwal was arrested again less than three months later on May 18. 

On that occasion a member of the public reported that he was driving erratically on the M25 and had endangered a motorcyclist. 

The misconduct report said: “It was only through luck that PC Pattwal did not cause more damage. 

“It is noted that he hit a motorcyclist and hit the curb whilst driving under the influence. It is totally unacceptable for a serving officer to act in this way.” 

He was pulled over in Burntwood Avenue, Hornchurch, and failed a roadside breathalyser test. 

In custody his blood was tested and was found to contain 176 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, more than double the legal limit. 

PC Pattwal pleaded guilty to drink driving at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on July 15. 

He was given a three-month community order including a curfew with electronic tag monitoring. 

PC Pattwal was also disqualified from driving for 18 months. 

At the same court on the same day, PC Pattwal also pleaded guilty to failing to report a road traffic accident. 

The incident dated back to July 14, 2019, when he lost control of a vehicle while driving in South Street, Romford. 

He collided with and damaged the side of a property but he left the scene and failed to report the accident. 

For this he was fined £200. 

On Friday (September 20) a misconduct hearing decided that PC Pattwal would have been sacked from the force had he not already left. 

He was also added to the College of Policing Barred List.