When Brits get a little bit of sun in summer, it’s only natural to want to soak it all up, eating al fresco and trying to catch a tan before it disappears again but while you’re outside you’ll probably be joined by wasps.

Since wasps can sting humans, you’ve probably tried getting out the way of them or maybe even swatting them but there are ways to prevent them getting into your garden in the first place.

If you’re unsure how to do this, an expert might be able to help.

David Denyer, flower expert at Eflorist, has shared four ways you can keep wasps out of your garden without hurting them – let’s take a look.

Wasps are attracted to bin waste so it's important to keep your outdoor bins closedWasps are attracted to bin waste so it's important to keep your outdoor bins closed (Image: Getty)

He said: “Wasps can be a nuisance, especially when they sting, but they only do this if they feel threatened by you, so it’s important not to swat or squash them.

“And whilst we may be tempted to defend ourselves if they get too close, wasps are hugely important for the environment, so we must protect them where possible.

“Wasps help to pollinate plants, as well as providing us humans with some natural pest control to protect our crops.

“However, it’s understandable that many people may not want to come into contact with a wasp - especially when enjoying the sun outside - so there are a few different things you can do in your garden to deter them.”

How to keep wasps away from your garden

Grow plants with strong scents

David at Eflorist explains that “wasps hate strong smells” and you can use this to your advantage.

He recommends adding rosemary, eucalyptus or sage to your garden as these all have strong smells and could keep wasps away.

He added: “These are all very low maintenance plants as well, so they are great choices for any gardener - beginner or expert.

“However, if you’re a fan of growing your own food, garlic is an excellent choice to deter wasps - plus, it isn’t such a bad smell for us humans!”

Mint is another plant that can help keep wasps away from your garden in summer.

How to get rid of these common garden pests

David added: “Wasps also hate the smell of mint, so this is another great addition to your garden to keep those pesky wasps away.

“Another tip from me would be to plant the mint in your flower beds, especially near any windows.

“We all tend to open a window or two in the summertime, so the strong minty smell will act as a barrier to keep them away and stop them from potentially flying into your home.”

Make a homemade repellent

If you’d rather not add more plants to your garden, you could try using a homemade repellent to keep the insects away.

It’s really simple to make. All you need is some water and a drop or two of peppermint oil.

If you don’t have any oil, some dried mint leaves will do the trick as the leaves’ scent will diffuse into the water.

David said: “To do this, simply add this solution to a spray bottle, and lightly spritz it across the plants in your garden, as well as any garden furniture they may want to land on such as chairs and tables.”

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Keep outdoor areas clean

Wasps are attracted to waste so it’s important to keep all outdoor bins closed and as clean as possible.

Removing any excess food waste will help keep the wasps away.

During the summer, wasps can become more aggressive because this is when food sources are more scarce so David advises keeping outdoor bins away from windows to reduce the possibility of wasps entering your home.